Using our own cloud platform, we provide IT solutions for entrepreneurs and large companies. So, you don't have to worry about losing your data. With us, your data will be safe.

We take good care of your data

We protect your static data and data in transit

With the help of advanced encryption technology, we can protect your static data and data in transit. Our encryption protocol establishes barriers to prevent unauthorized access to data, including two or more independent layers of encryption to prevent any single layer from being compromised.

Compliance Commitment

We have internally developed security rules and standards that are compatible with some compliance requirements, which can be found in the default compliance list of our products/services. We can also comply with compliance standards in certain regions. Here are some expandable compliance standards in the United States and China, which can be found in the expandable compliance list of our products/services. We accept requests for designated compliance standards (limited to some customized services/products).

Maximum resistance to censorship within legal limits

We receive requests from various legal processes that require us to provide information or take action. We require governments and private institutions to follow applicable laws and regulations when requesting user information and data. At the same time, we also require our service providers, in our contracts, to follow the same standards when facing data requests from the government. Our legal team will review these requests to ensure that they have valid legal basis. If the request complies with legal requirements, we will respond to the request and provide the relevant data. If the request lacks valid legal basis, or if we believe that the request is unclear, inappropriate, or overly broad, we will question or refuse the request. We strive to resist censorship to the maximum extent possible within legal limits.

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We have secure information control specifications

After continuous practice, we have carefully adjusted everything. We provide professional solutions and services.

We are experts in cloud solutions - we have developed our own technology platform to help hundreds of customers.

yulin shen
Dragon Cloud Limited founder

We will serve you personally

When you contact us, our team member will serve you. We don't use any robot.